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Beau Séjour
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Beau Séjour

Hotel Beau Séjour

50 min

Đang phát: 10

Tập mới nhất: 432

Quốc gia: Phim Bỉ

Diễn viên: Emilie De RooGene BervoetsGreet VerstraeteInge PaulussenJan HammeneckerJohan van AsscheKris CuppensLennard CorneLize Feryn…Lynn Van Royen

Thể loại: Phim Thuyết Minh

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Nội dung phim

thuỷ nguyên beau sejour Hotel Beau Séjour. Kato, covered in blood, wakes up without any recollection of what happened the night before. Moreover, nobody seems to see or hear her. Slowly it sinks in: she's dead. Who did this to her? And how come a handful of people can still see her, as if she's among the living? Why them specifically? In her search to uncover the truth Kato will discover that a lot of secrets lie dormant under the surface of her supposedly peaceful village community. Written by ahmetkozan

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